This page is your key to understanding the wide variety of characters in Avalon. Use this page to quickly learn about a character's past, to identify someone you're not familiar with, or to learn how to pronounce someone's name. The descriptions will give you the gist of their histories, but for all the details (and to prevent spoilers here) you'll have to read the Archive.
Main Cast
Ceilidh MacFarlane [KAY-lee]
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School. Daughter of Pol and Maire MacFarlane. Sister of Ciaran MacFarlane.
Ceilidh moved to Avalon with her family just in time to start Grade 11, and her insecurities ruled her for about two years. After constantly debating whether she liked or hated Joe, she eventually chased after Iain (to placate her hormones), until finally deciding to go all the way with Joe. He stopped her before she could do anything too regrettable, and not only are they now dating regularly (at least in her own mind), but she's feeling a heck of a lot better about herself.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Joseph Page
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School. Son of James and Hildegarde Page.
Joe came to AHS in Grade 9 full of hope and optimism, but quickly destroyed that by accidentally alienating his best friend, and letting indecision ruin his chances with the most popular girl in school. Add to this his father abandoning him and his mother that same year, and you could say Joe's had a pretty rough time. He uses wit and sarcasm to mask his turmoil, and has been doing quite well until Ceilidh became someone for him to open up to.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Phoebe Bradley
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School. Daughter of Phil and Sarah Bradley. Sister of Noelle and Deirdre Bradley.
Phoebe's stay at AHS got bad quickly after her relationship of convenience in Grade 9 turned ugly. Her pride prevented her from ending it, and by the time it was over she could no longer trust anyone she knew. She immediately became attached to Ceilidh, the new kid in Grade 11, but when Ceilidh abandoned her to chase after boys, Phoebe entered a state of depression. With some impromptu help from Ryan, Ceilidh helped her back, giving her a new life to close out her high school years.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Alan Gunderson
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School.
Alan is self-confident to the point of annoyance. It doesn't help that he also lacks a fundamental grasp of reality. All of this is compounded further by his unwillingness to maintain his relationship with Helène -- a relationship he initiated as a popularity ploy in Grade 9. Joe's comrade-in-arms, Alan has never really rocked the boat beyond his wild machinations to scare off Helène.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Ryan Aberdeen
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School.
The self-proclaimed "Geek to End All Geeks," Ryan finds comfort in the logic of computers and high technology. He does have an emotional side, however, evidenced by his constant attempts to get through to Phoebe after her tumultuous experiences in Grade 9. Completely by accident, he ended up in an intimate relationship with Deirdre, and has since learned to let go of Phoebe -- but not before finally setting her straight.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Alison Montgomery
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School.
She'd tell you she's the only person in this town with two brain cells to rub together, but in reality she's the only one with the gumption to say such a thing. Early on in high school, she was just easily confused by the behaviour of the people around her; now she studies people from a higher intellectual viewpoint. She jumped at the opportunity when Mrs. Page offered her a job at the café; it would give her both a position of control, and a consistent coffee fix. Her way of thinking was challenged by Iain shortly before he left the country, and she's been troubled by it ever since. She's currently looking for a way to fix herself.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Helène Richer [hel-EHN REE-shay]
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School.
The most persistently upbeat student at AHS, and also the most popular. Almost ditzy in nature, Helène feeds off of positive energy; if none is present, she creates more than enough for everyone. She started dating Alan in Grade 9, and even though he's used every method at his disposal since then to keep her away from him, she's determined to make the relationship work.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Deirdre Bradley [DEER-druh]
First appearance
Avalon High School graduate (1998), University of Guelph drop-out. Daughter of Phil and Sarah Bradley. Sister of Noelle and Phoebe Bradley.
Deirdre has always been strong-willed, to the point of earning a reputation as a bully in high school. An unfortunate relationship in her OAC year turned her life upside down, forcing her to leave Avalon to escape her parents. Not being able to make ends meet in Guelph, she secretly returned to Avalon, and ended up seeking solace in a relationship with Ryan. She's since been discovered by her parents, but with the help of Ryan and her well-meaning father, things are starting to look up again.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Secondary Characters
Iain [EE-un]
First appearance
Australian exchange student (2000-2001).
A student at AHS for Grade 12, Iain chose to make his stay in Canada a good one. A purported ladies' man, he took his chances with a few of AHS' female students, and eventually challenged Alison over her stuck-up nature.
[Aug. 10, 2000]
Ghada Hassan [GA-dah ha-SAN]
First appearance
Avalon High School graduate (2001).
Very academic, and very stressed. She worked ahead on her course credits to leave high school in four years instead of the usual five. She's since graduated from AHS and is currently getting stressed out at a university somewhere.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Erin Maynard
First appearance
Resident of Seattle, WA.
Suddenly appeared in Avalon one day, searching for James Page.
[Aug. 10, 2000]
Pol MacFarlane [paul]
First appearance
Father of Ceilidh and Ciaran MacFarlane. Husband of Maire MacFarlane.
An old Scottish man by appearance and nature. Proud supporter of Canadian Tire.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Maire MacFarlane [MOY-ah]
First appearance
Mother of Ceilidh and Ciaran MacFarlane. Wife of Pol MacFarlane.
Overbearing parent, and master of cooking.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Ciaran MacFarlane [KEER-un]
First appearance
Son of Pol and Maire MacFarlane. Brother of Ceilidh MacFarlane.
3rd Year university student in Engineering, and master of irresponsibility.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
First appearance
MacFarlane family cat.
Fairly talkative, but doesn't divulge much information.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Hildegarde Page
First appearance
Mother of Joseph Page. Wife of James Page. Sister of Melissa.
Generally cynical, though almost as eclectic as Joe. A slave to hockey. Separated from her husband, and getting by on her many and sundry years of life experience. Now the sole proprietor of Hildegarde's Café.
[Oct. 28, 2000]
James Page
First mention
Father of Joseph Page. Husband of Hildegarde Page.
Abandoned Hildegarde and Joe in 1998 to live with another woman. It's believed that he's since left her, and is now living in Toronto.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
First appearance
Sister of Hildegarde Page.
Never seen and only spoken of, she's never without a crazy, money-making scheme.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Mr. Aberdeen
First appearance
Father of Ryan Aberdeen.
Attendee of computer shows and hockey games.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Nancy Kawasaki
First appearance
OAC student, Avalon High School.
Quick to anger, and innovative with weaponry. Nancy has a severe sense of honour, which has been trampled on repeatedly by Joe, Ceilidh, and Helène during her various AHS Student Council election campaigns. She's currently plotting the ultimate revenge against everyone who has wronged her.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Sarah Bradley
First appearance
Mother of Deirdre, Phoebe, and Noelle Bradley. Wife of Phil Bradley.
Truly a force to be reckoned with, Sarah has easily been able to keep three girls in line over the past 20 years. She's recently been suspicious of Phil, who she's afraid is having an affair with another woman.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Phil Bradley
First appearance
Father of Deirdre, Phoebe, and Noelle Bradley. Husband of Sarah Bradley.
Far more laid back than his wife, he's been growing more intimidated and less enamoured of Sarah over the years. This culminated in a drinking problem until his daughter Deirdre helped him out. In return, he helped her out with her problems near the end of high school.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Noelle Bradley [no-ELL]
First appearance
Daughter of Phil and Sarah Bradley. Sister of Deirdre and Phoebe Bradley.
All-around brat. She's tried to run away from home to escape her parents' marital troubles, but has been set straight by Deirdre. Phil's starting to really worry about Sarah's and his effect on her.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
First appearance
Avalon High School graduate (1998).
Has an interesting history with Phoebe and Joe.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
First appearance
Student, Avalon High School.
Has a keen interest in Alison's hermit-like behaviour, despite her repeated threats against his well-being.
[Aug. 10, 2002]
Pascale [pass-KAL]
First appearance
Student, Avalon High School.
Copy editor for the 2000-01 AHS yearbook.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Arthur Wagner
First appearance
Principal, Avalon High School.
He likes his job.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Harry Murdoch
First appearance
Vice Principal, Avalon High School.
His job stresses him out.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Mr. Hammond
First appearance
Math teacher, Avalon High School.
Tends to move very quickly through the course curriculum.
[Oct. 20, 2000]
Mr. Corner
First appearance
Science teacher, Avalon High School.
Enjoys freaking out his students.
[Oct. 20, 2000]